Thursday, October 23, 2008

Girls say yes...

This recent pro-Obama poster has been making the rounds. The feminist blogosphere seems to be in disagreement. Bust Magazine says "yea," Salon's Broadsheeters and Feminist Law Professors say "nay." What do you think? Cool or uncool? Appropriate or inappropriate?

Would you say yes?


Rachel said...

I'm going with nay.
'Cause "boys" and "girls" are not adults, and therefore cannot vote.
Among other reasons!

Erin Hoagland said...

I say meh. I interpret it as satire, but hamhandedly handled. said...

This poster just rubs me the wrong way. I keep thinking about and yet I still can't quantify why it bugs me so much.

It's not awful (and I know it's riffing on a 1960s anti-war Joan Baez poster), but I feel very 'meh' about it (in Erin's words). Who knows...

habladora said...

Nay. I don't like the 'be good and you'll be rewarded with SEXY LADIES!!1!' message - not even with a chaser of hipster irony.