Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Carnival of Feminists #67

The 67th Carnival of Feminists is up over at Jump off the Bridge, and Sally received a lot of great post submissions in the last few weeks on a diverse variety of topics--from politics and Palin to religion, sex and "isms". Check it out!

Also, I'm very pleased to announce that we here at Fourth Wave will be hosting the next Carnival of Feminists (that would be number 68; click on the link for more information) on November 12, 2008.

For now, there's no theme, as long as your posts are somehow related to feminism. You can submit posts by filling out the online form or sending an email directly to me at fourthwave[dot]feminism[at]gmail[dot]com. Submit away! It's an excellent chance to network and introduce your blog to a larger audience.

1 comment:

sally said...

Congrats! This one just went up and I already can't wait for the next edition. Let me know if you need any tips/help. =)