Friday, December 12, 2008

Huckabee, gay marriage and The Daily Show

I've been meaning to post this for a couple days now, but keep forgetting (because I have a brain like a sieve) even though, in the meantime, everyone else of note has already posted. I'm joining the party a little late.

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show "discusses" gay marriage with the oddly-charming-and-all-the-more-scary-because-of-it Mike Huckabee (who used to be everyone's favorite love-to-hate crazy conservative until Sarah Palin came along):


Unknown said...

I posted this on my Facebook. Huckabee got pwned.

Dr. Jay SW said...

At least Huckabee didn't repeat what he said on that other show (the View, maybe? Help me out with this, Aviva...) about how the gay civil rights struggle can't be compared to the African American one because gays and lesbians haven't been beaten and killed enough...or something like that....

And Jon's clearly come a long way in getting over his fear of powerful politicians since the days when he let Rick Santorum walk all over him (and old Rick didn't come close to having Huckabee's good humor and charm...though that might've been part of the problem--the only way to deal effectively with Santorum would've been to smack him upside the head...which certainly would've made some excellent television...). said...

I wish I could help you Jay, but I hardly ever watch daytime television and have actually never seen The View (shame on me for being a bad television scholar!). And, yeah, Jon gotten a lot more willing over the years to stand up to conservative viewpoints. I think it's fascinating how Jon manages, quite often, to interview conservatives in a way that is friendly without being combative (not the screaming-heads pundit style), while still telling them exactly how much he disagrees with them. His interview with Bill Kristol earlier this year was much the same.