Friday, October 10, 2008

Yay Connecticut!

Despite my "tolerance" for the Democrats' pro-civil unions anti-gay marriage stance, I am of course beyond thrilled that the state of Connecticut has decided to legalize same-sex marriage:
The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled on Friday that same-sex couples have the right to marry, reversing a lower court decision that had concluded that the civil unions legalized in the state three years ago offered the same rights and benefits as marriage.

With the 4-to-3 ruling, Connecticut becomes the third state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage. California legalized gay marriage in May 2008, and Massachusetts in 2004.

“Today is really a great day for equality in Connecticut,” said Bennett Klein, senior lawyer at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, which argued the case before the Supreme Court. “Today’s decision really fulfills the hopes and dreams of gay and lesbian couples in Connecticut to live as full and equal citizens.”

Is it too early to be optimistic and say that things are starting to look up?

(H/T Pretty Much Everyone)

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